More Capability. Lower Operating Costs.
The Eagle Single is the work horse in the Bell Medium Lift helicopter market. This program, by virtue of a 9-passenger Supplemental Type Certificate approval process, converts the venerable Bell 212 helicopter from a twin engine to a single engine.
Reduced Weight Increased Performance
As a by-product of the conversion, the Eagle Single has a resulting loss of weight from removing one engine, the original heavy avionics and associated wiring, producing a medium helicopter in the 5,900 lb empty weight range.
All the Benefits with Parts Commonality.
While maintaining the Type Certificate of the Bell 212, owners and operators alike enjoy the inherent benefits of the Bell 212, such as the 11,200 lb gross weight limitation, common Bell 212 part numbers, dual hydraulics, enhanced 212 airframe structure and the availability of the aftermarket accessories commonly found on today’s working machines.
Reliability at a Reduced Cost
While performance of the helicopter alone has set a new standard, there are additional benefits from the program. Traditional cost of operation are reduced, allowing for more operating profits. Reliability is enhanced by incorporating modern-day avionics and upgrades to the instrument panel, fuel panel and collective head design.